Ash Wednesday FAQ


Why do Catholics wear ashes on their forehead on Ash Wednesday?
The ashes are a sign of repentance, humility and mortality as we enter the season of Lent. We acknowledge that we are sinners and in need of repentance and renewal.

What can I do on Ash Wednesday if I can’t come to church?  
Consider personal fasting, prayer and alms giving both on Ash Wednesday and throughout the season of Lent.

Will I be able to receive ashes this year at church?
Yes.  St. Paul’s will distribute ashes beginning with the 7:30 am Mass and throughout the day until 8:00 pm.

What will the church be doing to help socially distancing?
We will use special entry and exits for the church to help everyone keep socially distanced.  It will be clearly marked when you arrive.

Will the Masses be live streamed?
Yes. All masses will be live streamed on our Facebook page, our YouTube Channel, and our website.  There will be Masses at 7:30 am and 7:30 pm.

Can I watch this mass streaming if I don’t have a Facebook account?
Yes. You can watch on our YouTube channel. Just CLICK HERE

If I can’t come to church and watch the livestream, how can I give to the collection?
You can donate either through FaithDirect or through Venmo @stpaulsnyc

Am I required to get a Covid test before I come to Mass?
A Covid test is not required, however it is certainly recommended for your safety.

If I’m not feeling well, should I come to Mass anyway?
No. If for any reason you’re not feeling well it is not a good idea to come to church. You can watch the live stream at home.

Will the priests, lectors and musicians be wearing a mask also during the Mass?
Yes. Everyone involved in the Ash Wednesday masses will be wearing a mask

Will I be safe from Covid-19 inside the church?
We will take every measure to make the church a safe environment. However if you feel at all at risk, please watch the livestream at home.

Can I take my mask off once I’m at my seat?
No. Everyone will be required to wear a mask at all times while they are inside of the church.

Can I use the St. Paul App to read along with the music and scripture of each Mass?
Yes. You can download it at either the Apple App or Google Play store.